Coaching is fast becoming a recognized learning development tool in our world today. It is a highly personal, individualized and efficient methodology for leadership growth and peak performance.
Even in families and schools, coaching is a powerful tool for life transformation. With the philosophy of an innate potential within every child, we believe that everyone has seeds of potential for greatness – ready to be discovered and nurtured. Coaching your kids hence can help them release their potential.
Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to invest in your child!
By the end of this (3 to 16-hours) workshop, participants will be able to:
- Explain the fundamental principles of coaching
- List the benefits of coaching in parenting
- Identify and propose strategies to resolve common barriers to coaching children/teens
- Articulate and apply the coaching model in parenting
- Review and employ the coaching framework in a typical parent-child coaching session
- Describe and explore the critical competencies in coaching
- Utilize coaching techniques and tools in coaching children
- Formulate personal reflections on coaching experiences
*Note: We can customize this workshop into shorter sessions according to the requirements of requesting organizations.
According to research, parenting plays a critical role in shaping the destiny of a child, positively or negatively. Parents hold the power of influence over their child more than most would probably realize.
In an ever-changing world, we cannot always insulate our kids from the surmounting pressures at home, schools and in life. We face real challenges daily in knowing how to bring out the best in our children.
Come and discover the vital principles to understand your child better; foster a deeper parent-child bonding and learn how you can release your children to their fullest potential.
By the end of this (3-12 hours) workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify and examine the four types of parenting styles
- List the seven dimensions in shaping a child’s future
- Reflect and identify specific areas of development as a parent
- Discover and apply strategies to improve parent-child relationship
- Review and interpret the five dimensions of personal authenticity that shape a child’s future
*Note: We can customize this workshop into shorter sessions according to the requirements of requesting organizations.
Adversities, from minor irritations to major catastrophes, characterize our world. Children, just like adults are not exempted from these often-uncontrollable harsh realities of life.
Parents can empower their children to thrive in the midst of challenges rather than to be resigned to a “victimized” mindset. Resilience is about us knowing how to bounce back from setbacks, endure difficulties, and overcome the odds.
Studies show that children with such qualities prepare better for life and success. Supportive environments in schools and at home are critical in cultivating this life-skill. This workshop is uniquely designed to help you jump-start your journey to fortify your children in resilience.
By the end of this (3-15 hours) workshop, participants will be able to:
- Define resilience and specify the typical characteristics of resilience
- Identify the dangers and implications of learned helplessness in children/teens
- Identify resilience-destroyers and formulate strategies to prevent them
- Explore the importance of perception in resilience building
- Explain and apply the A-to-F Rational-Emotive Model to foster change in children/teens
- Apply coaching techniques to help children/teens toward future action-planning
- Propose and elaborate personalized strategies to build resilience within the family
*Note: We can customize this workshop into shorter sessions according to the requirements of requesting organizations.
- Stress-proof your Child to manage Pre-Examination TENSIONS In the face of school exams, parents, and children both experience the reality of anxieties, tensions, and genuine concern for optimal academic performance. Beyond mere academic preparations, it is pertinent that children/ teens be equipped with the critical life-skills to manage examination stresses.
- What are the symptoms related to examination tensions?
- How can parents play a supportive role to their children before and during examinations?
- Which parenting-supervision strategies are most appropriate to encourage children facing examinations?
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify ways to help their children overcome examination tensions in a practical manner
- Explore how to encourage productive and independent learning
- Apply productive Time Management strategies to prepare children for examinations
- Explain the effects of stress and employ techniques to foster mental resilience in children
- Immunize Your Child against negative emotions arising from Post-Exams Results –A huge sigh of relief comes when examinations have ended; although tension arises again nearing the release of results. When the outcomes are less than expected, a slew of negative emotions bombards our children. Unless these are addressed and managed positively, they can be detrimental to the children’s ongoing development and performance.By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify the emotions arising from post-exam results
- List the common de-motivators in both children and parents
- Explain the effects of mismanaged emotions associated
- Explore ways to self-manage parental expectations
- Adopt adequate measures to motivate and support children against learned helplessness
When families build on the foundation of true love, they remain unshakeable despite trying times. Love is the central key ingredient that holds husbands and wives, parents, and children closer together. However, to enjoy a better relationship, we need to communicate love appropriately.
Come to this talk to discover how to communicate LOVE in various ways. Dr. Gary Chapman’s principles of Five Love Languages will be used as the basis to equip couples to strengthen their marriage and parents to build stronger and lasting relationships with their children.
How is it possible to make your family a priority amidst your busy schedule? How do you build the heart of your family, deepen bonding and achieve unity? Discover practical, do-able strategies to make these lofty ideals a reality!
This workshop will help you to take a step back, analyze your child and your communication styles, and to develop practical strategies for greater parent-child bonding.
This workshop further empowers parents to understand the transitional changes teens undergo in the adolescent stage. It unearths the principles of motivation and equips parents with practical skills to inspire their teens toward success.
- “Why does my child get so angry?”
- “He is always exploding!”
- “How can I help my teen control her anger?”
- “Why is she always clenching her fists and I am clenching my teeth when we communicate?”
These are common questions and comments from parents who struggle with managing anger issues with their children. As parents, we do not have to remain helpless as we see our teens wrestle with these dark emotions. Help is available!
Come to this workshop to discover the myths, roots, and choices of anger. Parents will be empowered with strategies and conversation guidelines to help their teens deal with anger positively.
- “Why do I always have to listen to you?”
- “You don’t understand me…”
- “You cannot force me…”
These statements reflect real-life tensions that frequently take place between parents and their teenagers. Such conflicts are normal. Unless parents and teens learn the art and science of effective management and resolution of disputes, they can be detrimental to healthy family life.
This workshop explores the cause and effect of conflicts; studies the different ways of conflict management and proposes practical steps to deal with emotions and tensions beneficially
Mapping Conflicts Effectively for Quick Resolution –FamilyMatters!@School
- How do I transform conflicts to make them work positively for my family
- What strategies can I use to map disputes efficiently?
- How do I coach my children to manage conflicts better?
This workshop centers on practical strategies to assess family conflicts. It empowers participants with a simple framework to uncover the needs, concerns, fears, and motivators behind conflict parties and issues. It pertinently highlights the sources of conflict within families and suggests practical steps for conflict resolution.
Teenage years are often turbulent years where adolescents struggle with growing pains.They desire greater autonomy, freedom of choices, respect, friends, and dialogue spaces.They find their unique life’s expressions in sports, studies, gaming, friends, books, music and other sources of entertainment.They are also generally more emotional in their outlook and expressions.
The teens today are vastly different from the yesteryears. How can parents bridge the widening gap? How can parents enter their world to connect with their teens?
This workshop reveals trends in today’s youths. It empowers parents to recognize the realities of their child’s world and develop strategies for deeper understanding and stronger parent-teen connections.
The psychological impact of “father-less-ness” upon children is excellent. Studies show that children who grow up with absent-fathers are more prone to struggles and challenges. Therefore, fathers play a pivotal role in shaping their children towards security, confidence, and success.
Research shows that children do better academically, psychologically, emotionally and socially when they have a positive relationship with their fathers. Effective fathers do more than just providing financially. Active fathers are often engaged and involved in the family.
Come to this workshop and discover fundamental parenting principles and strategies to build a healthy family.
Parenting is a life-long profession. It demands our loving attention, unceasing energy, and continual sacrifices. We overlook all these inconveniences when we see our children blossom under our care.
- How can our children be prepared for success?
- What can we do to teach strong values in their growing up years?
- Which is the best parenting style to achieve maximum returns?
- What are the critical characteristics of obedience?
- What strategies are most appropriate to instill the value of obedience in children?
This workshop addresses the questions above and empowers parents to learn positive discipline strategies for lasting impact. At the end of this workshop, the participants will be able to:
- Identify and examine the four types of parenting styles
- Integrate authoritative parenting style according to personality types
- List the characteristics of the value of obedience
- Develop strategies to foster obedience in children
What are the four different types of personalities? Why do we communicate differently? What is stopping us from seeing “eye to eye”? How can we connect better?
These questions indicate the reality of diversity. People are different and these differences can either unite or divide relationships. In a lively manner, this workshop addresses how personality types affect communication at home.
In this workshop, we provide participants with a quick overview of the D.I.S.C. Personality Profiling System. They will explore how diversity affects family relationships. Besides identifying common pitfalls and different sore-points in families, they will be enabled to diagnose their communication patterns and adopt personal action plans to improve communication dynamics within the family.
*Note: We can customize this workshop into shorter sessions according to the requirements of requesting organizations.
Becoming a teenager is an exciting time for your children. Besides transiting into a new school with new academic expectations, your child undergoes different developmental stages physically, emotionally, socially and mentally. Further changes may also take place in areas of dressing, behavior, style, and mannerisms.
This workshop focuses on empowering parents to help their child cope with the transitions in the teenage years, as well as the influence of Youth Culture. It will also detail quick, practical strategies to achieve effective communication between Parent and Teens