I am Uniquely ME! This workshop helps to draw out the strengths in you and to identify your weaknesses. You thus discover how you can propel your unique personality to compliment others and work towards success.
DISC is the behavioral model based on the work of William Moulton Marston Ph.D. (1893—1947). It is widely used to examine the behavior of individuals in their environment with its similar styles and preferences.
DISC personality system is simple and easy to use. By answering a 24-question profile (which takes only 7 minutes), individuals discover their unique personal style. The profile reviews individual’s strengths and limitations; gives pertinent suggestions how to improve communication and relationship with family, friends, co-workers, etc.
We use DISC to:
- Understand why people are different
- Reduce conflict and enhance communication
- Discover the source of personal motivation
- Better understand how to motivate others
- Identify careers that suit your personality style
- Maximize your strengths
- Manage stresses more effectively
- Improve sales
DISC profiling is available for children, youths, and adults. If you are looking for an affordable and quick way to assess behavior styles and preferences for individuals, schools, and organizations, contact Leading Arrow Training Consultancy (admin@leadingarrow.org) for more details.
(Purpose. Energy. Affirmation. Knowledge.Sustainability.)
PEAKS is a global online psychometric technology developed by Research Communication International (RCI) that measures and optimizes human potential at all levels of organizations and societies.
Based on advanced psychometric research and analysis tested amongst leaders in corporate, academic and community sectors globally, your PEAKS Profiles allow for an objective, reliable and valid assessment of the DNA of human personality.
PEAKS & its Application:
The PEAKS Profiling Technology foster speak performance in individuals, families, schools, universities, communities, corporations, banks, and organizations. PEAKS profiles capture and track individual developments in these domains:
- Personal Development
- Leadership Development
- Team & Partnership Orientation
- Career Profiling & Development
- Entrepreneurial Advancement
- Educational/ Learning Development
- Organizational Development
- Family Development
- Community Development
PEAKS in several languages:
With a strength-based approach to foster peak performance in individuals and organizations, PEAKS is available in the multiple languages (English, Chinese, Malay, Portuguese, and Spanish)
Why Choose PEAKS?
The “PEAKS PROFILE” series stems from the well-researched Five Factor tradition of Personality (FFM) and peak performance/resilience research conducted by Research Communication International.
Real data of high performing leaders in various industries provide benchmarking for personality scores.
PEAKS is a highly acclaimed definitive model for describing personality differences. The critical components of the PEAKS Profiling Technology include:
- Personality has five dimensions (P.E.A.K.S).
- Scores on the dimensions will fall along a normal distribution (or a Bell Curve)
- Individual traits best describe personality than type groups
- The strength of individual scores indicates personality preferences
- People who score in the middle range of the scales will have a combination of traits
- PEAKS is based on extensive research employing best practices in leadership, personality, and resilience development. It is a strength-focused tool that assesses the innate potential within individuals and aligns the best in everyone to the PEAKS they have chosen to scale.
- Personality scores are normed against industry benchmarks. They are based on an extensive databank of actual empirical data collected through corporate research.PEAKS gives individuals the knowledge necessary for scaling heights of achievement. As they conquer PEAK after PEAK, they become more than conquerors.
- The PEAKS approach is integrative and holistic and is applicable for use for entire organizations in developing and tracking personal, team, leadership & management development/ benchmarking; mentoring, career coaching, selection, talent management, succession planning, job profiling and various aspects of individual, team and organizational development towards PEAK PERFORMANCE.
Contact Leading Arrow TrainingConsultancy ( admin@leadingarrow.org ) fora professional yet personalized PEAKS consultation.